Higher productivity and performance for chip manufacturing

Achieve positioning accuracies better than 200 nanometers with MULTI-DOF TECHNOLOGY
for implementing higher-performance computer chips.

Push the envelope in advanced packaging and hybrid bonding:

What's new at HEIDENHAIN

Solutions for chiplet manufacturing

HEIDENHAIN encoders and ETEL motion systems ensure higher accuracy in frontend and backend processes, including hybrid bonding.
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TRUE IMAGE for 99% less CO2

Encoders featuring TRUE IMAGE TECHNOLOGY ensure accurate position feedback in the face of liquid contamination, even without purge air.
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Improving sustainability

Through efficient functions and innovative technology, HEIDENHAIN solutions improve our customers' productivity and help to reduce their carbon footprint.
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The 3-in-1 measuring camera

The VT 122 vision system and VTC software serve as a tool presetter, tool microscope and visual tool inspection aid, enabling accurate tool-edge inspection.
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HEIDENHAIN develops and produces linear encoders, angle encoders, rotary encoders, length gauges, touch probes, sensors, vision systems, CNC controls and digital readouts for the world’s most innovative industries, including robotics, automation, machine tools, semiconductors and electronics manufacturing.

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Your applications are demanding. Our products have the answers.