Letzte Aktualisierung: July 15 2024 23:33:53.


Here you will find all the technical data for the product. Are you interested, do you have any questions? Simply fill out the product question form.

Technical data
- Programming station software (download via HEIDENHAIN filebase):
TNC7, TNC 640 and iTNC 530 - License: 1 local user
- Supplement with download information for software and documentation
- Software release module for virtualTNC (USB dongle)
- Programming station software (download via HEIDENHAIN filebase)
- Programming station software (download via HEIDENHAIN filebase)
TNC7, TNC 640 and iTNC 530 - License
TNC7, TNC 640 and iTNC 530 - License
1 local user
- Supplement with download information for software and documentation
- Software release module for virtualTNC (USB dongle)