Policy statement on human rights and the environment
As a globally operating company, HEIDENHAIN is committed to its duty to uphold human rights and to exercise its corporate due diligence regarding these rights. Furthermore, HEIDENHAIN also expects its immediate suppliers and business partners to comply with human rights.
Above-market compensation
At HEIDENHAIN, all our employees are paid at a level that is at least in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement of the IG Metall trade union. Pay is supplemented by a variety of benefits such as monthly profit sharing, voluntary corporate bonuses for shift workers, a significantly above-market corporate pension scheme and work anniversary bonuses beginning after 10 years of employment.

Flexible work, even for production teams
In recent years, HEIDENHAIN has added significant flexibility to its corporate time policy, and not just for its administrative teams. Even our manufacturing teams have set a new course, moving away from rigidly defined work times toward giving employees a greater say. Just one hour at the beginning of each shift is fixed. And many of our employees work some of the time from home if their duties allow.

Vocational training
Education and expertise play a vital role at a technology company like HEIDENHAIN. We've been running a successful apprenticeship program for over 70 years. It now encompasses eleven different career fields. For undergraduate students, we support internships and scholarships, and offer dual study programs in eight majors. Along with first-rate vocational training in a state-of-the-art apprenticeship center with the latest machines, we provide our up-and-coming talent with a wide range of benefits.

Continuing education
We continually train our longstanding employees through in-house and external training courses covering a variety of topics. Employees can also opt for special training programs: Our Specialist Track program is an opportunity for those wishing to deepen their expertise without assuming a supervisory role. And our Skills and Knowledge program financially supports career-advancement training for aspiring certified production supervisors, certified technicians, industrial managers and more.