Letzte Aktualisierung: July 16 2024 23:33:31.

Here you will find all the technical data for the product. Are you interested, do you have any questions? Simply fill out the product question form.

Technical data
- Power supply: 400 V +/- 10 %
- For supplying power to the MC 420 and MC 422B - For analog control - Condition
s of use
iTNC 530: As of NC software 340 49x-01 (or
MANUALPlus: As of NC software 526 488-12 (or
- Power supply
- Power supply
400 V +/- 10 %
- For supplying power to the MC 420 and MC 422B - For analog control - Condition
s of use
iTNC 530
iTNC 530
As of NC software 340 49x-01 (or higher) MANUALPlus: As of NC software 526 488-12 (or higher)