Letzte Aktualisierung: July 15 2024 23:33:53.

Here you will find all the technical data for the product. Are you interested, do you have any questions? Simply fill out the product question form.

Technical data
Software option 154: "Batch Process Manager"
- Functions for the planning and execution of multiple production jobs
- Activated by code number Option available for:
TNC7 as of NC software 81762x-16
TNC7 basic as of NC-Software 81762x-18
TNC 640 as of NC software 34059x-08
TNC 620 as of NC software 81760x-05
Software option 154
Software option 154
"Batch Process Manager"
- Functions for the planning and execution of multiple production jobs
- Activated by code number Option available for
- Activated by code number Option available for
TNC7 as of NC software 81762x-16
TNC7 basic as of NC-Software 81762x-18
TNC 640 as of NC software 34059x-08
TNC 620 as of NC software 81760x-05