Letzte Aktualisierung: July 15 2024 23:33:53.

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Technical data
Software option 57:
„HEIDENHAIN OPC UA NC Server 2“ - Safe and robust interface for connecting to
modern industrial applications - Quick and easy through the use of standardize
d concepts - Each of the six SIK options enables one incoming OPC UA connectio
n via application certificate
Option verfügbar für:
TNC7 as of NC software 81762x-16
TNC7 basic as of NC-Software 81762x-18
TNC 640 as of NC software 34059x-10
TNC 620 as of NC software 81760x-08
Software option 57
Software option 57
„HEIDENHAIN OPC UA NC Server 2“ - Safe and robust interface for connecting to
modern industrial applications - Quick and easy through the use of standardize
d concepts - Each of the six SIK options enables one incoming OPC UA connectio
n via application certificate
Option verfügbar für
Option verfügbar für
TNC7 as of NC software 81762x-16
TNC7 basic as of NC-Software 81762x-18
TNC 640 as of NC software 34059x-10
TNC 620 as of NC software 81760x-08