Letzte Aktualisierung: July 15 2024 23:33:53.

Here you will find all the technical data for the product. Are you interested, do you have any questions? Simply fill out the product question form.

Technical data
Software option 8: "Advanced Function Set 1"
- Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes - Feed rate in distance
per minute - Tilting the working plane (as of NC software 340551-03) - Circula
r in 3 axes with tilted working plane (as of NC software 340551-03) - PLANE fu
nction (as of NC software 340551-04) - Activated by code word - For TNC 320 as o
f NC software 340551-01
Software option 8
Software option 8
"Advanced Function Set 1"
- Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes - Feed rate in distance
per minute - Tilting the working plane (as of NC software 340551-03) - Circula
r in 3 axes with tilted working plane (as of NC software 340551-03) - PLANE fu
nction (as of NC software 340551-04) - Activated by code word - For TNC 320 as o
f NC software 340551-01