Letzte Aktualisierung: July 14 2024 23:31:46.

Here you will find all the technical data for the product. Are you interested, do you have any questions? Simply fill out the product question form.

Technical data
Software option 9: "smart.Turn"
- Contour description with ICP - Programming with smart.Turn - Technology databa
se with 9 workpiece- material/tool-material combinations
- Activated by code number Option available for:
- CNC PILOT 640 as of NC software 68894x-01
- CNC PILOT 620 as of NC software 688945-01
- MANUALplus 620 as of NC software
54843x-01 or 548328-02
Software option 9
Software option 9
- Contour description with ICP - Programming with smart.Turn - Technology databa
se with 9 workpiece- material/tool-material combinations
- Activated by code number Option available for
- Activated by code number Option available for
- CNC PILOT 640 as of NC software 68894x-01
- CNC PILOT 620 as of NC software 688945-01
- MANUALplus 620 as of NC software
54843x-01 or 548328-02